A day in the life: Emily Naylor

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Get to know: Emily Naylor

This week, we’re talking to our Specification Sales Manager (Midlands & North Wales, ANZ) Emily Naylor. Join us as we get to know more about Emily, her role, and her life outside Tenmat! 

Emily Naylor

Fire Protection – making a difference

I love working in a sector where you can see a real impact from your work, with finished buildings in the end result. Seeing the right products in the right applications and knowing the impact that fire safety has on our day to day lives gives a great sense of achievement. I have become the girl on a night out that sees scaffolding she was climbing the week before on a site visit and nudges her friends to say, “That’s one of mine!”

Emily Naylor

Specification Sales Manager (Midlands & North Wales, ANZ)

a day in the life: emily naylor

Could you start by telling us a little bit about yourself?

I’ve been in the industry since I joined Tenmat in 2017 and have really enjoyed learning all there is to know about fire protection and the wider industry. I focus on working with clients in the Midlands and North Wales, as well as Australia and New Zealand.

What does your job involve?

My job is very varied (which I love!), but in summary I work with architects, fire engineers, and façade contractors to specify the right products for the application being considered. I also deliver CPDs (Continuing Professional Development seminars) to architects to help them understand our fire protection products, carry out site visits to check progress with clients and contractors, and host toolbox talks.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

For me the site work is the best – having the crack with the contractors and getting involved with the practicalities of construction projects. I also love our newly tested and innovative products that are always evolving – getting to present them to the industry is amazing.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I love an early start, so if I’m out on the road I will be down the M6 by 7am and typically on site for 10am carrying out an inspection or toolbox talk, followed by a catch up with a customer over a coffee no doubt. I often incorporate a CPD with an architect practice/group of fire engineers.

What makes Tenmat a good company to work for?

My manager and my team make every day better; they are such a great group of experienced people who have taught me so much. I love that we invest in the technical side of the industry as it gives us yet another(!) string to our bow. I also like that I’ve been given the support to grow and progress from my very first day with the company, especially the many responsibilities and opportunities I’ve had – travelling overseas and going on the road since first joining at the age of 20.

And finally, what do you like to get up to away from work?

I love spending time with my friends and my fella; dancing and the gym are my two busiest hobbies outside of socialising. I love a good walk and try and get out every morning or on my lunch break when working from home to clear my mind!